Sunday, July 29, 2007

July megaproductivity!


With July nearing its end, i must say this has been the most productive month of the year for me!

A short overview:
- development of VectrexOS
- development of a chip8 emulator for DML
- development of a chip8 emulator for the vectrex
- release of performance VX
- development of micro::engine, a small portable software 3D engine.
- develpment on DML1.3 , nearing its release
- development of a chip8 demo: "supertrip8" (more on this soon)
- development of several chip8 roms (including a few gamedemos, more on this soon).
- started development on a DML graphics-demo.

and thats including 2 small holidays i had in july (yes i'm leaving on another mini-holiday tomorrow). So see you all next week, when i'll be posting my CHIP8 stuff.



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