Saturday, September 29, 2007

Vectrex: V-CHIP emulator finished

Hi All,

Just letting you know i've finished the V-CHIP emulator today.
V-Chip is a CHIP8 emulator for the Vectrex console.

The emulator runs quite nicely on the vectrex and comes with a bunch of
prepacked games and demos (which are selectable from a menu).

Movies and photos will be posted in the Vectrex section of this page.


Saturday, September 01, 2007

Pixelblocks arrived

Hi All,

Just letting you know that my box of PixelBlocks arrived today, so i might be adding a pixelblocks section to this website soon. Pixelblocks is a kit of small cubeshaped blocks that will allow you to create physical 2d or 3d pixelart (see: ).

So far i've recreated a Donkey Kong scene (kong, some ladders, the girl and a hammer-whacking mario) as well as a greyscale mario. Hopefully these creations will be up on this site soon.