Wednesday, March 17, 2010


I'm currently working on CMLGUI, the GUI extensions for the Core Media Library.
I haven't released the GUI extension with the last version of the library because it was still missing some essential components at the time (things like File Dialogs and such).

As i'm currently prototyping a contra-type game in 3D, i needed an simple editor to sketch out the levels. I decided to write it in CMLGUI and finishing the library in progress. With a bit of luck it might make the 1.4 release of CML.

Tuesday, March 02, 2010

Finishing up Core Media Library 1.4

I'm currently fixing up the Core Media Library for a 1.4 release.
Some of the things i've been working on lately are:
- Corefile/Corepacker: Support for file packing inside EXE/Binary
- Fixing Scaling/Rotating for Bitmap/Sprites
- Better thread handling (less stress on CPU).
- CoreNet beta (network support for WIN32)
- CoreVideo (webcam support for WIN32)
- Extensions: Resource browser, Virtual Keyboard, etc.
- New and updated examples
- Minor bug fixes

A new beta has now been sent out to testers, allowing me to implement their feedback in the next major release of the library. The website should be updated too.

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Meggy Jr development

Hi all,

I've recently discovered the MeggyJr console. This is an opensource/homebrew handheld with a resolution with no less than 8x8 pixels. Quite a challenge for designing games!

With a console on its way, i already developed a simulation environment for the console which allows me to prototype MeggyJr games in C with the Core Media Library.
The environment also runs original code already written for the system.

I've currently started development on a bunch of games for the system, so as soon as it arrives, i should be able to test it on the real thing and create videos/downloads for it.

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Accidental Sabbatical

Hi there,

It is safely to say that it has been a while since my last post.
I've been busy the last year with work and a slightly unhealthy PS3 trophy addiction :S This has resulted some sort of accidental sabbatical year.

This ment that i had a whole bunch of (finished-) stuff/products lying around that i just didn't get around to releasing. This includes a bunch of Chip8 work and a couple of vectrex products.

Right now i'm back to work, so expect more posts here from now. This includes updates for new stuff i'm working on as well as past promises.