Thursday, January 01, 2009

Happy new year

Happy new year to all!

So whats in the pipeline for 2009? Let me see...

These are the items that are on my to-do list for 2009:
- Release of megachip emu + devkit
- Release of various CHIP-8/Superchip stuff
- Photos for my collection stuff
- (Delayed) release of Colorclash slim and V-hockey for vectrex
- Release of CML1.4 with CoreNET and CoreVideo extensions.
- Completion of my current MSX/Colecovision works (demo+hokey pokey)
- Completion of VexOS

As always, i'll keep you posted on any progress/releases.


Unknown said...

Oh god I would love to finally see the VecOS!
Cannot wait!

Bronzdragon said...

So? How are things going? It's nearly 2010 and no posts.