Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Eurocon 2007 / New vectrex games !!!

Hi All,

Just letting you know i'm doing the final preparation on my new vectrex game called "Vectoblox". The game is a sokoban type of puzzlegame and includes many different levels to play. For more information, select the game from the vectrex menu on the left of my website.

The game will be released at the Eurocon 2007 convention, which will be held on 2-3-4 november 2007 in Zutphen/The Netherlands. For more information about the convention, visit the website at: http://www.retro-gameshop.nl/atari/eurocon2007.htm

Furthermore, i will be releasing the 3D scape democart for the Vectrex at Eurocon as well, as well as demonstrate various products currently in development, including:

- Vexos Operating system
- V:CHIP - chip8 emulator for the vectex
- Radium techdemo
- Stip playable demo
- Munchkin plus (Videopac+)

I hope to meet some of you at Eurocon! So if you have some free time, don't forget to visit!

Friday, October 12, 2007

Misc. news updates

Hi all,

Here are the latest news updates.

- For starters, i fixed a bunch of pages on the www.revival-studios.com website. The pages for Oldskool demo, Vchip emulator, Radium techdemo and a Vectrex WIP page are now up and running.
- Also the pages for free downloads and available cartridges have been fixed.
- I've started work on a multiplatform simulator for the MB Microvision handheld.
- I was able to get myself a 'SuperCharger' for the Atari 2600, so i should be able to test my 2600
stuff on the real thing now.

With a bit of luck, i should be able to bring you more news on my upcoming vectrex stuff soon!

Wednesday, October 03, 2007

Retro computerdag 2007

Hi All,

Just letting you know i will be visiting the retrocomputerdag 2007 , held on sunday, october 7th 2007 in Schiedam / The Netherlands. If you live in the netherlands, this is definitely worth a visit.

There are a large number of stands with retro computer hardware, and also systems to play on.

I will be demonstrating the following Vectrex games at the event:

- Vectrex OS - wip.
- V:CHIP , the chip8 emulator for vectrex.
- Vblox - A sokoban like game for the Vectrex.
- Maybe a surprise WIP product.

- 3D Scape cart (3 demos, including Performance VX)
- Radium, 3D texturemapped raycasting demo
- Colorclash
- Stip! - Playable demo

Hope to see you all there. For more information about the event, visit: www.retrocomputerdag.nl