Hi there,
I also like to take the opportunity to update you on my upcoming vectrex projects (new and existing projects).
This is a cheap release for colorclash that will be available regularry like the other releases on the website.
The game has been updated with new features:
- Option to swtich between bitmap and vector display modes
- Atari paddle/spinnerama controller support
- Internet highscore uploading
- Various smaller fixes.
The game will be available on slimcart for 19 euros and for free download very soon. Also, for those who are interested, there are about 7 limited editions left. contact me if you are interested.
Still available for sale and will get a free rom release together with colorclash slim release.
This is a topview one on one hockey game, both for single and multiplayer. The game is currently in beta-test with some people to make sure the game is fun and challenging.
I will announce this game very soon.
I'm still working hard on this. The heart of the OS , the basic compiler and interperter is running nicely for some time now together with the rest of the OS. Back in january i had some issues with the chip music replayer, for which i had to alter my music replayer for better support, and a good mix of memory/RAM usage and romspace needed for a tune.
Also, i spent some time making content for the OS (music, vector animations, basic games and programs,etc.).
Upon release i'm opening a webpage dedicated to the OS that will refresh with content regulary, much like the Playstation store.
So i have to work a bit in advance here ;-)
I'm hoping for a relase at Eurocon 2008
Untitled racing game:
A topview racing game with 5 tracks + bonus tracks to be unloacked.
The game is nearly finished and entering beta-test stage withing 1 or 2 weeks. Any suggestions for the title (not too long of a title) can be mailed to me.
This game will be released at Eurocon 2008.
D:2 (DEBRIS 2)::
This baby has been in the pipeline for quite a while.
Upon releasing debris, being my first game release, i was quite frustrated that i wasn't able to put as much in as i wanted.
On the one side there were still things for me to learn about the system, on the other side i couldn't fit all my ideas onto a 32kb rom.
So for Debris 2 i started from scratch in 2006, with a targeted release at christmas 2006. I was well under way , but in the summer of 2006 my HDD crashed and i couldn't recover the sourcecode.
I restarted the project in 2007, focussing on getting all the graphics, design and music ready and trying out several ideas to see if they are technically doable.
Right now i can announce that i've completed the first preview to be sent out for feedback to a few people. It contains the basic game structure, some of the endboss fights and bits and pieces of a 3D vector background rendering technique that i developed for this game.
Unlike the first debris, in the sequel i'm blending 2D bitmap graphics with 3D line-vector graphics for the backgrounds.
Target release is this christmas, but i will update you on its progress in the meanwhile.
Sorry for the long message, but i had a lot to update you about in my months of absense.
I'm hoping to see/meet some of you at Eurocon this year.